Sunday, February 17, 2013

Liebster Award ♡

Hey guys! I am one of the bloggers nominated for the Liebster Award. 
The Liebster Award is designed to help promote blogs with less than 200 followers. 

  1. List with 11 facts about myself.
  2. Answer the 11 questions I attributed.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers with 200 followers or less, put the link in this blog post them and warns them about the award.
  4. Make 11 new questions to bloggers that I appointed for the prize.

Eleven facts about me:
  1.  I do not know how to swim, nor do I intend on ever learning.
  2. I love White Collar, Suits and Law and Order SVU! :)
  3. I do not have anything from Topshop that is of regular price. I dunno why I shared that, but... I think it's a fun fact :P
  4. I try so hard to be a hipster.. Haha does that make me lame?
  5. Obsessed with nautical stuff <3 Anchors, stripes, sail boats.. but I have never been sailing ever :))
  6. I go to mass every Sunday, without fail. 
  7. I have a letter tucked in my room dedicated for "the one" whenever that person comes along :D Hehe. 
  8. I don't like sharing my food. 
  9. I use 30 #hashtags on Instagram cause I want a lot of likes on my pictures and more followers. NOT EVEN ASHAMED.
  10. I am a freak in the sheets.. Sobrang likot ko matulog.
  11. I love to dance, and every time I see an amazing dance performance I cry. :( Haha.
Eleven Questions for bloggers:
1. Who is your favorite IG fashionista?
2. What's your favorite makeup brand?
3. How much is your budget when you shop?
4. Favorite lipstick shade from any brand?
5. Has your style always been the way it is or does it usually change depending on trends?
6. Favorite place you've ever visited?
7. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
8. Share something that's on your bucket list!
9. Craziest thing you've ever done in school?
10. Something you like, but most people don't?
11. Share something about your bestfriend! Put their picture too :)

Eleven Questions from Lea of :)

1.  Where do you usually shop for clothes?
SM Department Store, Landmark Department Store, Robinsons Department Store, In Fashion Hong Kong, random boutiques in LA. :) 

2. Do you have an Instagram account?
Yeah! Hope you guys follow me @itscarlasamson :)

3. What's the story behind your blog's name?
I've always loved bargains, and I've always lived in a tropical place.. thus we have Great Finds Where The Sun Always Shines lol! :) but if it's my URL, well.. it's just my name :P

4. Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend? 
Nope! Very recently single. :P haha.

5. What's the reason why you made a blog?
I had so many great ideas I kept on talking to people about, and those people, my friends, encouraged me to put up a blog and share my fashion & beauty tips! :) 

6. What's your favorite quotation? 
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. :) 

7. What is the best memory you'll never forget?
Well.. there are two. :) The first would probably be my first date w/ my recent ex girlfriend. :) That was really special, and it's something I will never forget no matter how hard I try. :) My heart still flutters when I think about it. Haha :) Next best memory would be sleepovers at my friend Je's back when our whole kada was complete pa. :)

8. Do you always wear make up?
Yes, I do. Everyday! :)

9. Do you have a collection? 
Yeah! Makeup collection :P

10. Describe your fashion style.
Something in between preppy and a boho chic.. I know that's an odd combination, but it kinda works for me :p

11. What's your nationality? 
Filipino through and through! :)

Eleven Blogs I Nominate:
Any of you guys who are interested! Please join and let me know if you've done it :)

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